Inclusion and Belonging

Creating an inclusive and psychologically safe work environment is key to fostering a sense of belonging. This standard highlights how organisations can leverage diversity, enhance psychological safety, and promote respect across the workforce. By prioritising inclusion, employees feel valued and supported, leading to stronger team cohesion and a positive organisational culture.

Assessors will look at how an organisation enhances psychological safety and leverages and supports workforce diversity to create a positive, inclusive, and respectful work environment.

There are three performance levels for each of the standards within the KeepWell Mark: Commitment, Achievement, and Excellence. To be accredited with the KeepWell Mark, the commitment level will need to be met for all 8 pillars. Once a company reaches commitment level, they can work towards reaching a higher level at their own pace and with guidance from our team of experts.

Commitment level

For companies that are starting out, the commitment level can act as a useful checklist to ensure legal obligations are met. There are five standards that need to be met to obtain the commitment level for inclusion and belonging. The topic guide that members receive gives insights and recommendations to assist in achieving this. An example of a standard and the required evidence can be seen below.

Standard: The organisation has established policies that promote and support inclusion.

Evidence: Anti-discrimination policies, employee code of conduct, complaint resolution processes, flexible working policy and supportive practices, parental leave, maternity/paternity leave, etc. Employees are aware of these policies. The inclusion and family-friendly policies are promoted at induction.

Achievement level

Having put the buildings blocks in place, companies that meet a further four standards can reach the achievement level.

Standard: The leadership and management team has undergone inclusive leadership training to reinforce their role in supporting diversity and inclusion.

Evidence: Training such as inclusion management, inclusive leadership training, cultural competence training, unconscious bias training, or related. Completion records, course provider details, course content, presentations, etc. are available.

Excellence level

To continue to build workplace wellbeing and by meeting an additional five standards, a company can work towards the excellence level, the highest achievement possible.

Standard: Programmes or initiatives are in place to encourage greater representation from underrepresented groups where identified in the organisation.

Evidence: Leadership development programmes, disability groups, or others set up unique to the organisational needs. Active engagement in internship programmes with refugees, the traveller community, disadvantaged schools, NGOs, etc.

The Next Steps

The KeepWell Mark is the benchmark for national standards of workplace wellbeing in Ireland and the standards, guidance and resources to support understanding and implementation of these standards.

Benchmark your organisation by taking our free mini assessment or contact us to receive more information.