As the voice of Irish business, Ibec campaigns for change that will deliver a balanced, growing, and prosperous society.

In this important year of local, national and European elections, Ibec’s Electing for Business Campaign aims to ensure our members’ priorities shape and influence these important contests. At a national level, Ibec is engaging across the political spectrum to ensure our members’ priorities are reflected in manifestos and ultimately the next Programme for Government.

Our Better Lives, Better Business campaign champions policies in the areas of housing, infrastructure, planning and sustainability to make Ireland a better place to live and work.

In the EU and international arena, our Stronger Europe, Stronger Ireland campaign sets out the views of Irish business on how the EU can deliver ambitious policies to the benefit of business, workers and citizens. It underpins the positive relationship Ireland has maintained with the EU, a relationship that has helped Ireland on its journey from an inward-looking, protectionist economy to a highly competitive, innovative, globalised hub.

Ireland: Towards a Model of Sustainable Substance presents the transformational story of Ireland, an economy with the proven agility to respond to changing global circumstances. The campaign shows how these global trends can be seen as an opportunity for Ireland’s economy to evolve.

For Peace + Prosperity illustrates the pivotal role that business has played in perpetuating peace and prosperity on the island as we mark the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement (B/GFA). The campaign highlights how the stability brought about by the B/GFA has enhanced the economies of Ireland, Northern Ireland and the all-island embedding stability and economic success in a new totality of relationships.