
Biopharmachem Ireland represents the biopharma and chemical sectors. We influence, support and represent the sector in realising its ambition by bringing together all relevant stakeholders in the State, namely: industry, the government, the research community and the public at large to effectively communicate the unique attractiveness of Ireland as a leading location for the supply and development of pharmaceutical products.

Our Laboratory apprenticeship programmes allow companies an unrivalled opportunity to grow and develop their talent pipeline and drive business growth into the future. In addition, our Pharamchem Skillnet encourages companies with shared training needs to collaborate and achieve their training goals in a cost effective manner. 

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Get in touch

BioPharmaChemical Ireland, is led by Sinead Keogh, represents and supports a broad and diverse mix of members from Irish BioPharmaChemical sector. The team keeps members informed on policy through in-house briefings, provides industry updates, research and regularly runs member networking forums and industry led training for the sector.

For any queries, please contact on 01 605 1500.

Sinead Keogh

Head of Sectors, Director, BioPharmaChemical Ireland at Ibec