Ibec membership is for all businesses - home grown, multinational, big or small. We provide a powerful voice in government on the key international, national and industry issues impacting business, supported by our 39 trade associations covering a wide range of industry sectors.

We provide a premium human resource and employee relations service to all our members from our head office in Dublin or regionally via our offices in Waterford, Cork, Limerick, Galway and Donegal. Our regional offices also lobby on local business issues affecting their region.

We host member briefings, events, webinars and podcasts to help you stay informed and connected.

Hear what our members say

Meet Ibec member Target Integration, a software company based in Dublin that Ibec are supporting to help their business to scale and grow.

Meet Conor Hanley, CEO of member company FIRE1 who are a scaling MedTech company based in Dublin. Ibec helps FIRE1 to stay ahead of industry trends and regulatory changes while connecting them to a network of global, large, and small companies.

Talk to us

We can provide you with a membership quote for your business to join Ibec and highlight the relevant services and trade associations that will be of value to your organisation and colleagues. 

If you want a taster to attend any of our member events, do let us know, as its a great way to get a sense of our organisation and our members.

Call us on  
0818 546 546 - we are happy to help. 


Contact us