Irish Medtech is the business association within Ibec representing the medical technology sector. Irish Medtech has more than 250 members, located throughout the island of Ireland. The group’s broad focus is to promote and support an environment that encourages the sustainable development and profitable growth of our FDI multinational and SME member companies. Irish Medtech is led by a Board of CEOs and Chief Representatives, it implements its strategy through working groups and taskforces. 

We also deliver training and upskilling for the MedTech and engineering businesses in Ireland through our apprenticeship and springboard programmes and our Skillnets Networks.  


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Facilitating connections in Medtech

Contact Us

Irish Medtech, led by Eoghan Ó Faoláin, represents and supports a broad and diverse mix of members from Irish medtech sector. The team keeps members informed on policy through in-house briefings, provides industry updates, research and regularly runs member networking forums and industry led training for the sector.

For any queries, please contact on 01 605 1500

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