Killian Barry Appointed Chair of Prepared Consumer Foods Council
Food Drink Ireland (FDI), the business association within Ibec representing homegrown and international manufacturers and suppliers across the food and drink sector, today announced Killian Barry, Danone Ireland Managing Director, as the new Chair of the Prepared Consumer Foods (PCF) Council. He will be joined by Miriam Walker, Managing Director of Arytza Ireland & UK, as Vice-Chair.
Killian Barry leads Danone Ireland, a company of 700+ employees driving innovation in health-focused food. Vice-Chair Miriam Walker heads Aryzta Ireland & UK, a leading bakery with 430+ employees and brands like Cuisine de France.
Commenting on his appointment, Killian Barry said: “It is a privilege to assume this role during such a dynamic period for the food and beverage industry. The prepared consumer food sector is a strong and varied sector not just in Ireland, but also at a global level, and this is a key moment for the sector. PCF manufacturers are constantly striving for excellence in areas such as health, sustainability, and market growth and I’m excited to see how this sector will continue to flourish over the next two years. I look forward to working with all Council members, with a one sector approach to maintain and grow our collective strength and success”.
Linda Stuart-Trainor, Director of Prepared Consumer Foods in Food Drink Ireland commented: “I am delighted to welcome Killian as the new Chair of the Prepared Consumer Foods Council. With his experience and enthusiasm, Killian will bring valuable insight and drive to the PCF Council. His leadership will be vital as we continue to work together for the benefit of the sector and the consumers of our products, tackling challenges such as competitiveness and threats to international trade. With Killian as Chair, alongside our new PCF Council Vice Chair, Miriam Walker, our priority will be to continue to ensure that the key issues for the success of the sector are recognised and understood by policy makers at national and EU level”.
The PCF Council is the leading representative forum for companies producing value-added food and beverages for both domestic and international markets. Ireland’s food and drink sector is the country’s most important indigenous industry, generating nearly €39 billion in turnover and over €17 billion in exports.
PCF manufacturers play a key role in this success, supplying grocery, convenience retail, food service, and other food companies with high-quality products.