
BioPharmaChem Ireland (BPCI) has launched its Budget 2025 submission calling for decisive action by the Government to enhance the competitiveness of the industry in Ireland and support achievement of its sustainability goals.

With over 90 biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical companies in Ireland, employing over 80,000 people directly and indirectly, the sector in Ireland is thriving. However, to maintain and further develop the sector's global leadership, sharpen its competitive edge and secure its future, BioPharmaChem Ireland is calling on Government to address the competitiveness challenges facing the industry.

BioPharmaChem Ireland’s Budget 2025 submission outlines the critical importance of investments that are needed across four key pillars:

  1. Investing in skills and talent
  2. Delivering a world-class innovation ecosystem
  3. Achieving our sustainability goals
  4. Maintaining competitiveness