Now in its sixth year, Business Connect gives delegates a window into the decision making and purchasing processes of Ireland’s leading companies. This exciting marketplace event is focused on shining a light on Ireland’s unique ecosystem where small and large firms often compete-for contracts, talent, government, and media attention - but they also thrive from each other.
Delegates will hear from: heads of procurement on what they look for in partners; small companies who will provide insights on how to win big contracts as well as organisations and agencies that can provide support for collaboration. There is also plenty of opportunity for networking, with facilitated round table discussions and an exhibition which will host the best in small business who are the finalists in the SFA National Small Business Awards 2023 along with awards supporters, agencies and exhibitors.
Keynote speaker this year will be Paul McNeive, customer service expert, business advisor, double amputee and author of business book Small Steps: Everything is Possible. On the day, Paul will speak about customer service and the importance of making your customers feel special. With over 30 years’ experience in professional services, Paul’s advice and expertise will lead to a long-lasting surge in enthusiasm and service levels.
Minister of State for Public Procurement, Ossian Smyth TD will also address this event to highlight the importance of SMEs participation in the public procurement process and speak about reforming the public procurement process in 2023 with updated guidance to assist SMEs with the public procurement process and a new eTenders platform.
If you are interested in securing new contracts and meeting new clients, register now.
Agencies and Sponsors Exhibiting: Permanent tsb, Bord Bia, Sage, Cisco, NSAI, Enterprise Ireland, DeCare, .IE, SBCI, One4all, MentorsWork, Skillnet Ireland, O'Leary Insurances Ltd, Intertrade Ireland, Small Firms Association and more.
Access to Business Connect for delegates will be via Lansdowne Road - via way finder 42 which will be signposted. There is an underground car park available on Landsdowne road as well as limited on street parking. Directions can be found here.