Champion Green is a national movement with a grand coalition of government, industry, business, and the public to support each other and drive the recovery of our communities and economy after the COVID-19 crisis.

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Champion Green / Frequently asked questions

The Champion Green initiative is Supported by Kilkenny Design and Visa, in association with Retail Excellence, Small Firms Association and Chambers Ireland.

Our country has suffered a huge economic shock. Without a stable and thriving economy, we don’t have energetic communities – many have lost their jobs, businesses are suffering.

Rather than focus on the challenges, Champion Green gives us a tangible way to lift each other. 

Thriving communities need support. If every adult in Ireland spent just €20 extra a week in small businesses, this would equate to an injection of €875 million to the local economy over a 12-week period. That translates to sustainable employment but even more importantly vibrant and energetic communities and creative and cultural industries right across our island.

Lasting change comes from commitment. Champion Green aims to educate people on the importance of supporting local and to encourage people to choose consciously. 

We want to reach everyone in Ireland of working age or above. Every consumer has a choice to make about how and where to spend the money they have, and we want them to think about who they can support when they do. 

We are asking people to support local makers, designers and businesses in Ireland by buying from them, recommending them and choosing more consciously when they shop. Champion Green. Support Local. 

Sign the Pledge that says “I’ll keep supporting local.”

The Champion Green Pledge is a way to make good intention a year-round habit. It’s simply adding your voice to the call to help our communities recover.

When you sign, you’re connected to a network of local businesses and their stories – and the monthly email with news and offers you’ll receive is the first step in our Champion Green mission to have us all supporting local for longer.

Our country and communities have endured a huge shock, but if we lift each other, we all will rise. 

As a Champion Green supporter, you are simply promising to continue supporting local whenever possible.

As a Champion Green Business or Organisation or Community Group seeking a sustainable recovery, you also sign up to a promise – to support local whenever possible, paying forward the benefit you get from Champion Green support.

When you sign as a business you will get full access to the Champion Green toolkit. You can use the toolkit content wherever you do business – online, on social media or in your shop or workplace.

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