Draghi Report on the future of European competitiveness

September 24, 2024

Please find link to the EU and International policy overview (here in Power Point form) of the Draghi report on the future of European competitiveness which you may find of interest. Ibec’s EU team worked as part of a dedicated group of national business federation colleagues within BusinessEurope to develop this detailed preliminary analysis. You can find the full 400 page report and recommendations here.

The Draghi report was requested for the European Commission by President Ursula von der Leyen to help frame competitiveness policy priorities for the 2024-2029 institutional cycle. It examines the EU’s competitiveness challenges and proposes a new EU industrial strategy to address these challenges. Several of Ibec’s EU and international policy priorities are recognised in the report, such as the need to: address regulatory burden and high energy prices; focus on development of knowledge and skills; complete the Single Market focusing on the Capital Markets Union; retain a commitment to open trade; and ensure there is a level playing field in competition policy.

For questions on this topic, please contact SFA Public Affairs Lead, Jonathan McDade - Tel: 01 605 1688 or Email: jonathan.mcdade@sfa.ie.