Call for input from Employers for Change

September 10, 2024

The Employers for Change programme, which is a part of the Open Doors Initiative, are currently conducting a research project, funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth. They would greatly appreciate participation, from small businesses in this project.

The goal of this project is to develop a practical toolkit for employers, focusing on disability disclosure. It will provide guidance on creating a supportive environment for disclosure and self-identification, as well as best practices for measuring and managing employee data following disclosure. You can find more details about the research here.

Employers for Change are now at the stage, where its external researchers would like to conduct individual interviews with employers, focus groups and also prepare case studies of best practices. If your organisation is interested in contributing to this project, please contact Anna Boda – at

For questions on this topic, please contact SFA Public Affairs Lead, Jonathan McDade - Tel: 01 605 1688 or Email: