National Enterprise Hub Launched

July 16, 2024

Last week, Minister for Enterprise, Trade & Employment Peter Burke launched the National Enterprise Hub. The hub is a new resource that will help businesses access over 180 government supports across 19 departments and agencies. The new all-of-government service is staffed by experts and trained advisors, which is focused on helping businesses access a range of government supports.

This free service will make it easier for entrepreneurs to access and avail of supports such as grants, funding, loans, and expert advice across a range of sectors, including retail, tourism and hospitality, food, and beverages. It also aims to engage small businesses who have yet to avail of government support.

At the launch of the hub, SFA Chairperson Gerladine Magnier took part in a discussion panel where she praised the development of the hub and noted the SFA’s recent Cost-of-Buisness survey

This initiative is funded by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and operated by Enterprise Ireland. The Hub also involves the Departments of Finance, Social Protection, Agriculture, Food and the Marine as well as Local Enterprise Offices, IDA Ireland, InterTradeIreland, SEAI, Fáilte Ireland, Skillnet Ireland, Bord Bia, Design and Crafts Council Ireland, Microfinance Ireland, Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland, Teagasc, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Solas and the Western Development Commission.

The Hub team can be contacted through the website or by phone 01 727 2100, where users can engage directly with an advisor.

For questions on this topic, please contact SFA Public Affairs Lead, Jonathan McDade - Tel: 01 605 1688 or Email: