This half-day conference, on Tuesday 25th June 2024, is tailored to empower small to medium-sized Irish business owners with the tools and knowledge needed to excel in the evolving digital landscape.

The highlight of the webinar will be hearing from Aimee Connolly, the visionary founder and CEO of Sculpted by Aimee. With a multimillion-euro, award-winning cosmetics brand that boasts over 150 products stocked in more than 350 locations in Ireland and internationally, Aimee Connolly's story is one of remarkable success and ambition.

"A digital presence is no longer optional for businesses aiming to thrive in today’s market, I’m excited to share my strategies at the MentorsWork E-Commerce Mastery Summit to help empower other Irish entrepreneurs to achieve their own success." said Aimee Connolly.

The summit will also focus on a major development for Irish retailers: the upcoming launch of in 2025. This new online store will offer Irish businesses unprecedented access to a wider audience and greater opportunities for growth far beyond the borders of Ireland.

Learn how to tap into Amazon’s global market and logistics support to drive your business growth at 11:55am on Tuesday June 25th PLUS be in with a chance to WIN 5 days consultancy work with Vinny O’Brien to expand your sales – free!

This incredible event is open for members and non-members of the SFA, so register now to enjoy this interactive event that will revolutionise your business and help you outpace your competition.

Start Date June 25, 2024
Time 9:00am to 1:00pm
Duration 4 hours
Delegate Price Free
Type Webinar