Employer Services

As a Technology Ireland comprehensive member, you also have access to the entirety of Ibec’s Employer Service offering. This includes specialist advice, support and representation in the areas of employment law, industrial relations, HR and health and safety. Our ER service supports include:

  • Guidance on HR best practice & employment rights
  • 3rd party case management & representation at Workplace Relations Commission & Labour Court
  • Local negotiations on pay and terms & conditions

Advice on

  • Flexible, remote and hybrid working
  • Mental health and wellbeing in the workplace
  • Employee Lifecycle matters
  • Employment Equality
  • Occupational Health & Safety

Technology Ireland’s TechHR Forum complements the work of the ER division. The Forum provides companies in the broader technology sector with an opportunity to discuss industrial relations and human resources issues, receive specialised information and updates relevant to the employment relationships for the sector and network with industry peers.