Code of Conduct announced by Technology Ireland

February 21, 2023

Technology Ireland, the Ibec group that represents the technology sector, today announced its plans to develop a Code of Conduct on the protection of youth data online.

The group met with the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) earlier this month to present plans for an industry-led European Youth Online Data Protection Code of Conduct following the publication of the DPC’s ‘Fundamentals for a Child-Oriented Approach to Data Processing’.

The objectives of the Code of Conduct initiative are outlined in the Development Group’s Mission Statement.

The European Youth Online Data Protection Code of Conduct aims to complement the European Commission’s ‘Strategy for a Better Internet for Kids’.

Today’s announcement is just the first step in the development of this initiative. A central part of the initiative is that it is open for interested online service providers. Interested online service providers are welcome to express interest here in joining the Code of Conduct initiative. The initiative will be open for the input of other categories of stakeholders, including civil society, at a later point.