
Neurodiversity at work have created simple recommendations to help ensure that your communications are clear and accessible. Using clear language and implementing best practice from this guide will improve readability for all readers, while acting as a positive tool to ensure the inclusion of with neurodivergent profiles.

Neurodiversity at work produced a simple document to ensure your conferences and meetings are inclusive. This includes general guidance that can be helpful but does not act as a comprehensive guide. It is important to welcome reasonable accommodations and allow neurodivergent people speak to their own needs.

National autism charity, AsIam has developed practical guidance for employers across recruitment, reasonable accommodations and workplace culture to address the needs of people with autism.

This report has been created by Trinity College Dublin to outline the work options available to people with intellectual disabilities and assesses the efficacy of the several initiatives that have been put forth to improve employment chances for this underrepresented group in Irish society. This research looks at the difficulties this cohort has had finding meaningful work and how these obstacles have been overcome by a number of public and private initiatives.


Case Studies

As part of our commitment to accelerating inclusion and diversity, we created a Neurodivergent Internship Programme to help us create a barrier-free and inclusive workforce.

We partnered with Specialisterne, a trusted organisation that supports neurodivergent individuals in finding employment. Firstly, we trained selected managers with interview skills which focused on interviewing neurodivergent candidates and how to best support them. Upon joining, the interns attend a tailored induction to welcome them to Accenture. Then the individual teams assign a buddy to each intern to support their integration into their new role. There are also regular support calls between the team leads and designated in-employment support person from Specialisterne.

Our Neurodivergent Internship programme has proved to be a huge success - there has been very positive feedback from all the stakeholders involved. The 2021 interns found the programme excellent and 40% have had their internship extended and others have moved to other roles with the experience and skills they have acquired during their 6-month internship with Accenture.


Additional Resources

  • Employer guide to inclusion and hiring of people with autism

Adam Harris, CEO and Founder of AsIAm, gives an insight into autism and how employers can be more inclusive. Adam also shares practical advice for hiring people with autism.


For a wider understanding of autism in all areas of life AsIAm have a variety of resources here.