The Pay Transparency Directive came into force in June 2023 and Ireland will have to transpose the Directive by June 2026. The Directive contains extensive measures with far reaching obligations for employers including enhanced requirements in relation to gender pay gap reporting, information rights for job candidates, restrictions on the use of pay secrecy clauses and rights for employees in relation to pay transparency.
In this episode of KC Connect, Sinead Wallace and Fiona Egan, Associate Legal Directors will discuss the Pay Transparency Directive and the implications for employers under this Directive.
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Ep. 31 / KC Connect
Right to Request Remote and Flexible Working – Emerging Case Law
Pauline O’ Hare and Harry Wall from our Employment Law Services Team, discuss recent WRC cases taken under the Right to Request Remote and Flexible Working, including key takeaways for employers.

Ep. 30 / KC Connect
Employment Law and Policy Changes – What’s on the Horizon?
Kevin Feighery, Regional Director of Ibec’s Western Regional Office, and Aoife McFadden, Legal Director, discuss the major upcoming employment law and policy changes employers should be aware of.

Ep. 29 / KC Connect
The Maternity Protection, Employment Equality and Preservation of Certain Records Act 2024
Sinead Wallace and Fiona Egan discuss the changes being introduced and the implications of those changes as a result of this new piece of legislation.

Ep. 28 / KC Connect
Constructive Dismissal: Case Insights and Employer Takeaways
Laura Kerin and Brian Joyce, Employer Relations Executives at Ibec, delve into two recent Labour Court constructive dismissal cases. These cases highlight the different outcomes of constructive dismissal claims based on how employers handle workplace grievances, such as bullying and poor treatment.
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Ep. 72 / Ibec Responds
Women in the Workplace - A Generational View
Kara McGann, Head of Skills and Social Policy, Ibec, is joined by Kate Quane, Executive Coach with Praesta Ireland, they discuss how different generations of women navigate their careers and the next steps for businesses to foster more inclusive, fulfilling workplaces.

Ep. 71 / Ibec Responds
Insights and sentiment: A CEO's perspective
Nikki Gallagher, Head of Public Affairs at Ibec, is joined by Fergal O’Brien, Executive Director of Lobbying and Influence, to reflect on the key findings of our CEO Survey.