Return to us often and stay as a friend, let no harm travel as your companion...

A vital part of the experience economy the distilleries of Ireland have created world class attractions and unique experiences. They now form part of a dynamic offering catering to international and domestic visitors. Gin distillation in particular can offer a fun hands on experience for the creative consumer.

  • Visitors to distilleries exceeded 1 million pre-pandemic and that figure recovered to almost 680,000 last year, we expect it to reach pre-covid levels this year.
  • A whopping 1.1 million visitors went to the Guinness Storehouse in 2022, which Fáilte Ireland listed as Ireland’s most popular fee-paying visitor attraction in 2019.
  • Ireland’s brewery and distillery visitor centres are important for Ireland’s broader tourism strategy, as highlighted in Fáilte Ireland’s Food & Drinks Strategy 2018-2023. In it, Fáilte Ireland states that as “we seek to grow the value of Irish tourism over the next 10 years, Ireland’s food and drink offering has a significant role to play in delivering great visitor experiences, increasing dwell time around the country and growing spend”.