Here’s to what we love, who we miss, to where we’re headed and why we’re called...

As the next generation of distillers look for locations for their businesses many are returning to the communities where they have deep and lasting ties.  This means that we are seeing drinks companies emerge in towns and cities right across the island.  New entrants to the spirits industry and established players continuing a tradition of support for the communities in which they operate which has been a feature of the wider drinks industry for centuries.

  • The drinks industry takes its role in Irish society extremely seriously. And while it makes a vital contribution to rural economies across the country, producers also run a range of initiatives benefitting local communities.
  • Our industry joined the national effort to respond to the Covid-19 crisis in many different ways, including through producing sanitising products (or producing alcohol for such products) and making donations to support unemployed bar workers and charities working with more vulnerable groups in our society.
  • During the pandemic our industry provided extensive financial support to  customers in the hospitality sector as they endure rolling lockdowns which restricts their ability to operate.
  • An additional relief that the brewing sector provided for pubs was the reimbursement for all unsold kegs and the uplift, as well as the disposal of unsold and out of date beer and cider. This reduced the financial burden on pubs, at a cost to the brewing sector of more than €30 million (excluding excise) during the first lockdown and €16 million during the second lockdown.
  • Diageo Ireland have been forerunners in the foundation of the Open Doors Initiative which assists marginalised members of society in gaining access to the workplace.
  • Leading drinks companies contributed to 7,359 community connections and 235,681 volunteer hours on the Business in The Community Impact Map.
  • Many of Ireland’s whiskey distilleries in provincial towns have moved into vacant industrial premises, replacing the enterprises that had previously operated there, as well as lost jobs. This trend looks set to continue, with more developments planned.