Be it a furrowed brow or a ploughed field, seek the warmth of friends after your day’s labours...

As spirits brands aim to increase their market presence domestically and globally, they offer exciting employment opportunities across a variety of disciplines. Many prominent figures in industry today began their career as a graduate brand ambassador for a spirits brand.

At the cutting edge of innovation and with employment opportunities spanning many disciplines, spirits businesses in Ireland, both domestic and imported, are an important part of the wider drinks industry, our country’s fastest growing manufacturing sector.

  • The drinks industry is an important part of the hospitality sector which supports over 170,000 Irish people in work.
  • In addition to the drinks related employment in the hospitality sector, the drinks industry generates 8,800 jobs in beverage manufacturing, about 6,000 jobs in off licences and additional jobs in visitor attractions and wholesale distribution.
  • The drinks industry has a presence right across the country, which ensures employment is spread across rural communities.
  • Exporting to over 120 countries, drinks companies provide global employment opportunities to Irish graduates.
  • Employment opportunities in the drinks sector include science, marketing, sales, manufacturing, tourism, logistics and many more.
  • Many of Ireland’s whiskey distilleries in provincial towns have moved into vacant industrial premises, replacing the enterprises that had previously operated there, as well as lost jobs.


The Experience Economy
The sector contributes €4.5 billion in wages, salaries and employment taxes every year and more than 330,000 people are either employed directly or supported directly by demand from the sector. It accounts for one-fifth of all private sector employment.  Irish drinks companies are significant contributors to the Experience Economy.

Furthermore, for every one hundred jobs created directly in Ireland’s Experience Economy, another thirty-eight are supported elsewhere in the Irish economy. The sector has also played a major role in developing the all-island economy and has been an important source of employment North and South of the border.