Working Groups
Working groups offer a unique opportunity for close engagement between members on a host of issues which impact on retailers. Our working groups also help to inform and frame our policy agenda and advocacy activities.
Retail Ireland Council:
Our Council meets twice a year to discuss the key issues affecting the sector.
HR Forums:
Regular HR forums keep members updated on key policy and legal developments.
Skillnet Skills Steering Group
The group meets four times a year to share best practice, discuss training needs and L&D priorities.
Health and Safety Working Group
This groups brings together specialists from across the sector and meets four times per year, often in member companies.
Grocery Group
Our Grocery network engages on policy, regulatory and operational issues that relate to the supermarket, convenience and grocery trade.
Facilities Managers Network
This cross sectoral network meets to share best practice on areas such as health and safety, building management systems, staff access, managing chemicals, cleaning and sustainability.
Supply Chain Network
The Supply Chain Network is a cross-sectoral network of supply chain specialists who work in global supply chain/logistics/supply and demand roles.
Recruiters Network
This cross sectoral network brings together those within member companies who are involved in a recruitment role.
Risk and Compliance Network
This network is for those with responsibility for assessing risk in the business. The network looks at the areas of governance, risk, and compliance, covering topics such as creating risk management frameworks, implementing organisational governance and compliance structures across your organisation. This Network is only open to CEO, CFO, COO, CRO, in-house legal or company secretaries to attend.
Retail Ireland Sustainability Mailing list
This mailing list is for any updates on sustainability issues both at an EU and national level. This list is for sustainability managers and those within your business whose role encompasses sustainability and ESG.