This first session of the series takes place at 1 pm on January 30th and is on the subject of “The Neuroscience of Change”.

Change is a constant in industry today and an understanding of how the brain copes will help to equip  change managers and makers. Our neuro-limitations may even be the key to unleashing talent potential.

Our first speaker is Professor William O’Connor of the School of Medicine, University of Limerick.

William (Billy) is an internationally recognised leader in both research and education in neuroscience. He has been recognized by the award of the Conway Silver Medal for Achievement in the Biosciences. He has authored over 100 full original papers and has secured over €3 million in research funding.

Some of the topics he will cover include
1. The change curve - a model explaining how we respond to change.
2. Understanding those emotions triggered by change.
3. Developing an empowering awareness of the change scenario.
4. The psychology of optimal performance (Flow theory).

This session will be the first of six taking place each lunch-time over the coming year.

Future speakers include the following:

Dr. Aine Aine O'Dea, attention management for productivity on neuroscientific principles. FEBRUARY 24th.

Dr. Delia McCabe, the international writer and speaker who will unpack the effects of stress on decision-making and address how to feed the brain to avoid ‘overwhelm’ and burn-out. MARCH 4th.

Dr. Anna Scanlan iEd hub, UCC will consider with us how to implement neuroscientific principles in third level education.

Dr. Kieran O’Mahony, author of “Brain-based Education” on how to shift thinking gears (on an axis) to amplify learning.

This Engineering Skillnet series is co-funded by the Government of Ireland, the European Union, and network companies. 

Start Date January 30, 2025
Time Lunchtimes
Duration 1 hour per session
Delegate Price Free
Type Virtual events