This is the fourth in our free 2025 series on "the Neuroscience of Learning and Leading".
We will be joined by Dr. Anna Scanlan of the iEd Hub at UCC, an exemplar for integrating neuroscience principles into science education approaches, to produce industry ready graduates with a transversal skillset.
Recent studies suggest that: 1. Adaptive problem-solving ability in Ireland is lower than the international average and 2. greater usage of 'Artificial Intelligence' tools erode our human intelligence, However this session will explore:
- Which brain functions e.g. memory are improved by well-designed 'adult learning' to improve thinking skills in a way that benefits problem-solving capacity.
- How technologically-rich, third-level environments may be utilised to support ‘deliberative practice’ and active ‘memory recall' to enhance 'transversal' skills e.g. critical thinking.
This Engineering Skillnet series is co-funded by the Government of Ireland, the European Union and our member companies.