Irish Medtech Association’s Quality & Regulatory Forums represent important face to face networking events for QA/RA specialists in the medtech sector in Ireland.
The Forum agendas are developed based on feedback from the Irish Medtech Association member companies and in conjunction with the members of Irish Medtech Association's Regulatory Steering Committee.
Over the last number of years, the area of focus has been the implementation of the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation (IVDR). Forum participants have a unique opportunity to benchmark on wide ranging topical quality and regulatory issues and assess impact to business of same.
Typically, industry specialists from across Irish Medtech Association member companies and invited expert national and European speakers (including Notified Bodies/ Competent Authorities etc.) guide Forum participants through topics of interest.
The Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs Forum is an Irish Medtech Association MEMBER ONLY EVENT