Register:  Talent to thrive in medtech, in conversation with the IMA Board

Lunch meeting with IMA Board:  27 September, The G Hotel & Spa, Wellpark, The Old Dublin Road, Galway -13:15-15:15, Galway, registration essential
Register here: 

As the future of medtech is set to exist in an evolving health ecosystem, industry needs to take action to define its future role, cement its success and establish a strong position globally. Our Vision is that Ireland will be strongly positioned as a global leader in innovative-patient centred medical technologies solutions, helping set the future global healthcare agenda, with a proven ecosystem that is a major contributor to the economy. 

People have always been at the heart of Ireland’s value proposition. Ireland is one of the top employers of medtech professionals in Europe thanks to our rich talent pool of third level graduates and dynamic supports for upskilling. Attracting, retaining and upskilling talent continues to be major priority for companies against a backdrop of soaring demand, scare resources and evolving technologies such as advanced manufacturing, AI and more… 

The IMA Board are working on the medtech manifesto, and it is important that we hear from you. Please join the IMA Board and executive for lunch on the 27th September in Galway to discuss positive policies and conditions to support talent here in Ireland. 

We’re delighted to be joined by Ibec’s Head of Skills, Claire McGee, to discuss macro policy and what is needed to ensure a fit for purpose education system to deliver next generation talent. 

We will also share insights on from our Gender Diversity survey and recommendations [IMA, Connected Health, FPT Skillnet], which will be published next month. The latest trends in medtech and digital health through our Future Skills Needs Analysis and what we need to do to sustain and scale apprenticeships in Ireland. Help us mark the 600th apprentice enrolled in our programmes. Finally we will head senior leader case studies around talent strategies that work in practice. 

Talent to thrive; IMA’s Global Medtech Hub 2025

Start Date September 27, 2023
Time 13.15-15.15
Duration 2hrs
Delegate Price Free
Type Networking lunches and dinners
Contact sinead.keogh@ibec.ie