
Please note that the event has been cancelled until further notice

We, in Ibec know that curating the surrounding ecosystem required at each stage of founder-led companies’ growth is fundamental for their and ultimately Ireland’s economic success.  Later this year we will be launching Ibec’s second Annual Founders survey to understand current sentiment and issues impacting the growth and development of founder-led-enterprises. 

Ibec also continues to represent and communicate positives policies and conditions to support Founders on an ongoing basis through representation on the Government. With that in mind it is important that we hear from Founders, to understand your current challenges, and to get timely feedback on some of the work being undertaken on your behalf, here in Ibec.  We will also use this meeting to validate research questions in advance of circulating the survey. 

We’re delighted to be joined by Sharon Higgins, Executive Director, Membership and Sectors and Chief Economist, Gerard Brady, Ibec Senior Policy Executives and Trade Association leads.  

You can view Ibec’s Recommendations to Support Founders 2022;  https://www.ibec.ie/influencing-for-business/ibec-campaigns/founders


Start Date October 12, 2023
Time 14.30
Duration 60mins
Delegate Price Free
Type Virtual events
Contact sinead.keogh@ibec.ie