A free webinar, hosted by the Engineering Skillnet, on Monday, October 10th will unpack the team leadership skills needed in the face of VUCA. 


The overall theme is how to build resilience via a “Team Skills Laboratory” approach for high engagement and to develop key soft skills, in particular: 1) goal setting, 2) collaboration and 3) continuous improvement. Topics include leveraging team dynamics for effective change-readiness, building 'psychological safety' and creating a reflective and continuously learning team culture.


The guest speaker works daily with SME teams to improve their interpersonal effectiveness, deepen leadership skills and reverse toxic cultures. She also draws on her previous industry experience leading a technology division at American Express and working as a strategic advisor at GlaxoSmithKline.


During the interactive session, participants will learn about critical enablers for effective teamwork, engage in live polls, a Q&A session and be introduced to a new support for enabling high performance teams. Delegates should book individually to reserve their places but team participation is welcome with a follow-up call for those interested.


Start Date October 10, 2023
Delegate Price Free
Type Webinar
Contact fiona.fennell@ibec.ie