Cybersecurity for small / medium businesses is a non-technical course which gives the learner the information and steps to understand cybersecurity requirements for the business.

Whether you are managing your cybersecurity yourself or outsourcing the workload this course will give you practical documented steps on how to reduce your risk of a cyber attack as well as how to recover from a cybersecurity attack.

There are two independent 2 x 3 hour online webinars on September 20th and 28th as below:


  1. Cybersecurity Awareness for Small/Medium Businesses


A How to document where all of your business data is held and its importance

B How to document your software and hardware and keep it safe

C An annual awareness training program with links to materials


  1. Cybersecurity Risk Management for Small/Medium Businesses




A Business continuity plan (BCP) document for you to create your customised BCP

B Full understanding of different types of backups and how to test them

C Top tips on cybersecurity for your business


With optional 1 hour follow up for consultation/follow up


A Review of your data, software and hardware mapping any queries that arise

B Review of your BCP and DR plans and any queries that arise

B Questions on training your staff or general cybersecurity questions.


Dates Wednesday 20th and Thursday 28th September 9.30 to 12.30 pm.

The Engineering Skillnet is co-funded by Skillnet Ireland and member companies. Skillnet Ireland is funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. For further information or to request other dates, please contact

Start Date September 20, 2023
Time 9.30-12.30
Duration 3 hours
Delegate Price €50 (+VAT)
Contact fiona,