Report on employment cost hikes demands urgent government response – Retail Ireland
Retail Ireland, the Ibec group that represents the retail sector, today said the newly-published report on the cumulative cost of government-imposed labour market reforms on business demands an urgent and decisive policy response. The report confirms the dramatic cost increases facing retail businesses over the next two years and acknowledges the serious concern that this presents around jobs and business viability.
Retail Ireland Director Arnold Dillon said: “The report concludes that exposed businesses are facing into employment costs increases of 37% over the next two years. The scale of the cost crisis facing businesses is clear. We now need significant additional supports to safeguard jobs and businesses during this period. To effectively reach the companies most affected, this should take the form of a targeted PRSI rebate."
“Retail businesses are fully committed to improving the conditions of their employees and have invested many millions in training and development, improving retail career paths and making the sector a more attractive place to work, and this will continue. However, costs need to be sustainably managed if businesses are to survive and thrive.”