Business continuity in this crisis is paramount

March 20, 2020

Dear member,

Before we head into the weekend, I thought it might be useful to leave with you with a short simple message to cut through so much Covid commentary and content.

Business continuity in this crisis is paramount. Those who can have removed to remote working in what has been an extraordinary mobilisation by business. We must however keep essential supply chains, manufacturing and people serving critical business alive. From the cleaners who service clean rooms in medtech manufacturing, to our scientists keeping medicines flowing and patients safe in biopharma, factory workers on meat processing lines and retail ensuring food supplies, security staff in our datacentres enabling largescale e-learning and remote working…… these people are just some of the essential business workforce who power the sustainability of our public health, society and economy.

Blanket measures closing business in its totality would be the wrong approach.

Thank you for your engagement and support this week, our mandate is stronger than ever as we continue to represent your interests on all of the issues identified this week.

Best wishes

Danny McCoy
