All organisations face challenges, disruptions, and change; to continue to succeed you should build resilience into all aspects of your business. This year’s Networks Autumn Series of free webinars will inspire you to foster a more robust and resilient operation to drive success.  

During our five-webinar series we will explore the themes of wellbeing, strategy, culture, safety and sustainability and examine under each of these topics how to embed resilience.


Session 1 / Wellbeing

Implementing wellness, impacting resilience

When building resilience, organisations should strive to keep wellbeing at the forefront. In this session, the first in our series, we explore the importance of organisational resilience while keeping wellness in mind.

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Session 2 / Strategy

Design your organisation to optimise your strategy

Disruptions to your business, both known to the unknown, are inevitable. Deliberately designing your organisation to support your business strategy will help build resilience and give you a competitive advantage. In this session, we examine how we can set up our structure and processes to support a resilient strategy and look at some of the common pitfalls which get in the way for leaders. 

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Session 3 / Culture

Culture audits - Understand your culture, enhance your workforce

In the new world of work, many organisations are trying to understand what culture they want to keep, what culture they would like to remove, and what culture they want to embed. In this session, we explore the topic of culture audits, how an assessment might work, and what questions organisations need to ask to make a successful culture assessment.

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Session 4 / Safety

Do your OSH policies reflect your current practices?

The way we work has changed. Understanding compliance requirements and best practice is essential. In this session, we will challenge you to examine your policies and procedures to ensure they reflect your current management systems. 

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Session 5 / Sustainability

Future proofing your climate targets - EVs

Many organisations are converting their fleet to electric vehicles, while other companies are installing charging points for employees private vehicles. In this session, we explore the challenges and benefits, perceptions and myths and changes to Benefit in Kind (BIK) following the budget.

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