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We work tirelessly to influence the government, regulatory bodies and others to maintain a positive climate for business and employers in Ireland.
Membership of Ibec enables you to be better informed, better represented and better connected to meet the challenges of today’s economy and succeed.
As an Ibec member, we represent, support and advice you to help ensure all your HR and Health & Safety policies and procedures are compliant and to best practice standards.
We are the international bridge-builders for Ibec, Ireland’s largest lobby and business representative group. Our engagement spans across Irish and global stakeholders to advance practical and scalable solutions which economies and societies need to thrive.
Explore our priorities
This Sustainability overview outlines food & drink businesses’ commitment to contribute to the creation of a circular economy. It focuses on three key areas: food waste, packaging and resource efficiency
This Portion size overview outlines some of the portion size tools that food & drink companies can use to provide consumers with options that can allow them to enjoy their favourite products as part of a healthy diet.This Portion sizeoverview outlines some of the tools that food and drink companies can use to provide consumers with options that allow them to enjoy their favourite products as part of a balanced diet.
This Reformulation outlines the industry's is commitment to investing in the research and development of products which meet consumers' needs, without compromising taste of product safety.
This Wellbeing overview outlines food & drink businesses commitment to looking after their employees, consumers and communities...
This Responsible marketing overview outlines the key role food & drink businesses have to play in reconnecting people with the food ecosystem through their brands, in a responsible way...