Electing for Business / Locally, nationally and for Europe

With local and European elections taking place in June and a General Election on the horizon, there has never been a more important time to ensure Irish business is represented locally, nationally, and internationally. Ibec will ensure our members’ priorities are reflected in our manifestos as decisions taken over the coming five years will have major ramifications on all aspects of economic and social development across the country.

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Influencing around the globe

With a team covering global trade policy and international relations, Ibec works to protect and promote the interests of Irish enterprise and to champion Ireland's business model and economic priorities on the European and international stage.

Ibec has been in Brussels for 50 years and recently set up Ibec Global which is a lobbying organisation for US businesses directly into Brussels. Through our expert analysis, we equip business leaders with the knowledge and skills to succeed on the global stage, as well as opportunities to engage publicly and privately at the highest level.