A lot happens at Ibec. From the events and VIP briefings we host with political and business leaders to our political engagements and campaigns we run on your behalf. Here we show some recent updates from our CEO, Danny McCoy.

CEO Update: Economic Insights, Strategic Campaigns and Key HR Trends

Friday, 19 July 2024

The latest CEO Update to Ibec membership from Danny McCoy

Dear member,

Since the last update, Ibec has attended the Labour Employer Economic Forum (LEEF) along with new Taoiseach Simon Harris and new Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Peter Burke.

An economic update was provided by then Minister for Finance Michael McGrath and Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Paschal Donohoe, who spoke about economic growth, tax returns and potential for volatility. Ibec had sought for immigration to be represented on the LEEF agenda noting the challenge of having a divergent migration policy from the UK.

Last weekend, an op-ed from Fergal O’Brien, Executive Director of Lobbying and Influence was published in the Business Post (copy attached). He makes the point that we are in the enviable position of being flush with resources, largely brought to us through our openness to the global economy. We need to consider the policies that would enhance Ireland’s ability to compete in an increasingly competitive global environment.

This position is embodied by our Budget 2025 campaign Sharpening Our Edge which calls for investment in infrastructure and innovation to future-proof the Irish economy and bolster our ability to compete globally. In the run up to the Budget, we continue to engage on these issues most recently at a political briefing in Buswells Hotel which was attended by elected representatives and policy officials across the political spectrum.

This week the European Parliament opened in Strasbourg and the important politicking for committee membership and in turn European Commissioner roles begins. Our team in Brussels is currently drafting the EU Manifesto for the 2024-2029 institutional cycle which will be launched in September.

The changeover of power in Brussels is a pertinent reminder of our own upcoming General Election. Ibec is developing a detailed manifesto document and comprehensive campaign which will be ready to launch whenever the election is called.

Lastly, I would like to bring your attention to Ibec’s Pay and HR Update, an annual survey that captures key pay and HR trends in Irish workplaces. The insights provided by the research, guide policy making and establish best practice in the development of HR related initiatives at national and organisational level for Ibec members. If you wish to take part please contact research@ibec.ie.


As always if you have any feedback or queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.



Danny McCoy


Walk the Walk / with Reputation Inc

“Walk the Talk”, a new series from Reputation Inc featuring conversations with leaders in business and broader society, delving into the intersection between business and reputation.

The episode, featuring Ibec CEO Danny McCoy, is presented in in four bite-sized video clips, exploring a range of topics including strategy, reputation, leadership, sustainability, and culture.