Prioritising workplace wellbeing is key to attracting and retaining top talent. Receiving the KeepWell Mark™ accreditation from Ibec demonstrates your organisation’s commitment to the health and wellbeing of your employees. The KeepWell programme will provide you with all the tools necessary to embed the highest standards of good workplace health, wellbeing, and safety practices. Additionally, it serves to strengthen your employer brand – both internally with your staff, and externally with key stakeholders.

The process to get your organisation accredited with the KeepWell Mark includes self-assessment, action plans and evidence gathering, site visits, a full assessment report and award of accreditation.


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Download / Customer Case Studies

How the KeepWell Mark has supported key customers to embed sustainable wellbeing strategies

Learn from some of our key customers across the medical devices, construction and transport industries. Each with a unique journey, enhanced by their engagement with Ibec's KeepWell accreditation programme. Learn how the process works and how you too can:

  • Develop a holistic wellbeing strategy, rooted in key wellbeing domains and organisational benchmarks
  • Establish measures and KPIs for corporate wellbeing
  • Understand what best practice looks like and how your organisation measures against industry standards
  • Elevate your employer brand in support of employee attraction and retention
  • Do the right thing for your business and your people

Download the case studies now

Talk to us about starting your wellbeing journey

Contact us to understand how you can learn from best practice, influence change and improve productivity with the KeepWell Mark™.

Phone us at 0818 546 546 - we are happy to help.


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Testimonials / What our clients say