In this webinar

Many people will take a career break at some point in their lives. In this session, the fourth in our webinar series, we will examine how to support an employee that is returning to the workforce after an extended period of leave.



Julianne Miles MBE, CEO, Women Returners

Zoë Briggs, Inclusion Lead, Deloitte


Who should attend

Senior leaders, general managers, HR professionals, team leaders, wellness champions, people managers. Any member who works in an organisation that has employees spanning all ages and stages of life will find this webinar series of benefit.


Series overview

The age gap in many workplaces can often span 40 years or more. This year’s Networks Autumn Series of free webinars will provide you with skills and tools to optimise this multigenerational workforce.

During our five-webinar series we will examine habits and behaviours of each generation, discuss generational motivations; upskilling; recruitment challenges and targeted wellness.

Start Date October 09, 2023
Time 11:00- 11:40am
Duration 40 mins
Delegate Price Free
Type Webinar
Contact Karen Moloney
Ibec Networks