Ireland is our anchor and however far we stray, it tells all how far we’ve come...
The beer sector alone injects €1.7bn in added value into the Irish economy and has exports valued at €305 million. Thanks to the endeavours of the industry, Ireland is the 7th largest exporter of beer in Europe.
Beer remains Ireland’s most popular alcohol beverage with a 44.6% share of the market. As such it is a significant contributor to the wider drinks economy.
- An export powerhouse with products in over 120 markets worth €2 billion.
- Domestically, the drinks industry contributed €2.6 billion in VAT and excise payments to the Irish exchequer.
- Both craft producers, and the established players are developing new and exciting products, becoming one of Ireland’s most forward-thinking innovative sectors.
- There are now 45 operational Irish whiskey distilleries, up from only four in 2010.
- There are over 37 Irish gin producers on the island of Ireland and an estimated 70 plus Irish gin brands in Ireland
- There are 8 facilities in Ireland producing Irish Cream and 15 Poitín producers.
- One major Irish off-licence operator lists 61 Irish IPA beers, 14 Irish lagers, 36 Irish pale ales and 65 Irish whiskeys in its product range.
- An estimated 50,000 tonnes of Irish apples are purchased every year for cider.
- The industry is supported with grain production from more than 2,000 farmers producing approximately 300,000 tonnes of grain from approximately 45,000 hectares.
The Experience Economy
Drinks companies are at the heart of the Experience Economy which spends almost €4 billion every year, on purchases of goods and services, which help ensure your experience is an enjoyable one, including over €1 billion in purchases from domestic food and drink suppliers. The sector has also played a major role in developing the all-island economy and has been an important source of employment North and South of the border.