
Who we are

Dairy Industry Ireland (DII) is the trade association representing Ireland’s primary and secondary dairy processors through a comprehensive information and advice service, and representation at national, EU and international level.

Our role is to Connect – Support – Engage - Inform

  • Connect leadership and expertise from across member companies for the development of common industry positions and aligned understanding
  • Support member companies with information and advice
  • Engage dialogue with all relevant stakeholders including government, industry, and key opinion leaders worldwide to ensure productive discussion on Irish business critical issues
  • Inform external stakeholders on the sustainability credentials, safety, and quality of production of Ireland’s primary and secondary dairy processors
  • Governance and structure

DII is governed by a Council composed of our member company CEOs. The Governing Council meets approximately 8-10 times per year and members work on a voluntary basis. Chairperson (2024 – Present): Mr. Pat Sheahan, North Cork Creameries

Our full-time executive team, responsible for the day-to-day management of DII, reports to the Governing Council and Executive Committees, who develop and approve policies.

Work is conducted through committee and technical working groups crossing all areas relevant to the primary dairy, infant and young child nutrition (IYCN), and foods for special medical purposes (FSMP) sectors including on; Environment & Sustainability, Markets & Trade, Regulatory affairs, Communications and HR.

External membership

DII draws expertise from Ireland and internationally through our industry leading membership of the following organisations, including at board or national committee level;

Through our affiliation with Ibec, we are also closely engaged with member activity of wider food, drink and business organisations, including FoodDrinkEurope, FoodDrinkFederation and Business Europe.