General Details
Global Access is Ireland’s largest and most comprehensive medical technology industry QA/RA conference. Organised by the Irish Medtech Association, the 10ᵗʰ edition of Global Access brings together national QA/RA experts, policy makers, regulators and representatives of the global medical technology industry.

Keep ahead of global regulatory change and get expert insights into navigating challenges and opportunities to prepare for the future of medical technology. In this 1.5 day event, delegates can expect timely, actionable insights, key learnings from industry leaders and networking.

Experts from across the medical technology spectrum are present for this event. Authorities, Notified Body representatives and industry leaders will provide in-depth and timely updates on interpreting and implementing the EU MDR/IVDR in practice exploring lessons learned so far, global quality trends, regulatory change and challenges in key export markets. Senior international experts will provide comprehensive on trending topics.

For more information and agenda  www.globalaccess.ie


Global Access 2024
Medtech QA/RA Conference
23 -24 October 2024
Galmont Hotel, Galway

Start Date October 23, 2024
Time 9am
Duration 28hrs
Delegate Price Member
€595 (+VAT),
€895 (+VAT)
Type Conference and Summit
Contact susan.tighe@ibec.ie