Drinks Ireland Chair Pat Rigney speaks to Newstalk

July 19, 2024

The Irish drinks export market is a proud Irish success story. It plays a crucial role in the local economy and job creation, with manufacturers present in every county. Premium Irish brands reach over 120 markets globally, symbolising quality and authenticity and often serving as people's first introduction to Ireland.

However, after years of success, the sector is facing challenges from increased global competition, inflation, and shifting consumer behaviours.

Success for exporters begins at home. Irish drinks manufacturers have a strong ambition for further growth despite these challenges, but they need to be helped by informed and reasonable policy from Government,

Consumption levels are 30% less than 20 years ago reflecting more moderation and balance towards alcohol particularly among younger people.

Drinks Ireland Chair and Drumshanbo Founder Patrick J Rigney spoke to Newstalk Breakfast on the tricky market and how producers can be supported.

Listen in the link below: