Audiovisual Ireland is the Ibec representative group for the screen industry (animation, independent film and television production, post production, television broadcasting and VFX). The sector is estimated to be worth over €692 million, comprising 11,960 jobs by way of direct, indirect and induced employment across the economy. (Source: Screen Ireland). It contributes to regional employment, is a key part of national cultural life and profiles Ireland as a destination for tourism.
Industry Impact
The film, TV and animation sector is estimated to be worth over €692 million, comprising 11,960 jobs by way of direct, indirect and induced employment across the economy.
The screen industry is central to the creative industries and is a key part of national cultural life, enhancing Ireland’s global reputation and ‘soft’ power. It makes a major contribution in several key areas as follows:
- Economic impact - direct spend, indirect and induced spend in the economy, taxes, regional development, export earnings (FDI via inward production investment) and boosting tourism
- Cultural/social impact - audiences (local and international), community, debate, diversity, An Ghaeilge, identity, inclusion, representation, music and stories
- Industry development impact - high quality skilled employment, careers, skills development, and studio investment
- It is a world class industry that makes a significant cultural impact around the world as evidenced by a host of international awards including 31 Academy Award nominations since 2010.
Current Priorities
- Digital Piracy: Allocate additional resources to An Garda Síochána to combat digital piracy through investigation and prosecution.
- Irish language content: Promote the development, production, and delivery of Irish-language content to showcase Irish culture and heritage.
- Public Service Broadcasting: Reform the funding of public service media and content production to fully address the needs of Irish audiences in the current media and audiovisual production and distribution landscape.
- Regional Production and Skills Development: Invest more in regional skills development and production, including interim funding to bridge the gap until new regionally focused Section 481 measures are developed.
- Screen Ireland Funding: Continue increasing Screen Ireland's current and capital funding to support Irish creative talent and attract inward production investment, benchmarking against similar agencies in other countries.
- Tax Incentives:
- Conduct a study to explore introducing a Section 481 tax credit incentive uplift for producers based in Gaeltacht areas.
- Implement the commitment in the Minister for Finance’s Budget 2025 speech to explore the scope to introduce a visual effects (VFX) specific measure Budget 2026.
Get in touch
Audiovisual Ireland, led by Torlach Denihan, represents and supports a broad and diverse mix of members from Irish audiovisual sector. The team keeps members informed on policy through in-house briefings, provides industry updates, research and regularly runs member networking forums and industry led training for the sector.
For any queries, please contact on 01 605 1500.

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